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Geri Robertson, RPC
Registered Counsellor
The Bridge Counselling

"Helping you get from where you are to where you want to be"


 While dealing with the challenges we are faced with on a daily basis, life can be incredibly overwhelming. Whether it is anxiety, child behaviors, parental coaching, personal growth,  Here at The Bridge, I can help you navigate your feelings and the confusion we all experience at times.





The Bridge Counselling

Has been Verified by Psychology Today

The information in Psychology Today is provided exclusively by participating professionals. When you see this seal, it means Psychology Today has verified the following:

  • The name and contact details of the professional

  • That the professional's primary credential is valid (i.e. a license, membership in accredited professional body, or relevant training and experience)

  • That the professional is not subject to any license strictures preventing practice

Psychology Today verifies the information at the time a therapist is initially listed in the directory and then upon expiration of the professional's credentials.

Areas covered include:

Parental Coaching 

Child behaviour


Individual Personal Issues

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